Sunday, 18 May 2014

Why Release Trigger Points With A Foam Roller?

If you are a fitness enthusiast who has been exercising for some time now, then it is likely that you know what trigger points are even if you do not know them by that term. While most people do not recognise the term trigger point, they do understand the concept of muscles getting knotted and then causing trouble.


The knots that are formed in muscles are known as trigger points and these trigger points can cause a lot of discomfort in the individual. For instance, trigger points almost always tend to cause radiating pain, headaches, and a number of other problems.

It is also important to add that trigger points, essentially, reduce the performance levels of the body and this can be specifically detrimental for sportsmen and women. As is obvious, trigger points must be removed because they are source of many problems and also an unnatural state of being for muscles.

Pinpointing trigger points can be quite difficult, though, as they rarely cause pain where they occur and instead refer the pain to another part of the body. For instance, trigger points in your hamstring can cause pain in your lower back.

Foam massage rollers can be instrumental in self myofascial release which is just the technical word for giving oneself massage and loosening up the knotted muscles. However, foam massage rollers are scientifically proven to be extremely effective in resolving trigger points provided they are used properly.

Owing to the effectiveness of massage rollers, they have gained popularity in recent times. If you were to go only and do a generic search for these devices, you would come across a wide variety of such products. Unfortunately, only a few foam massage rollers are truly useful because many of them are designed to make a quick buck off the prevalent trend of mobility and massage rollers.

The trick is to learn as much as you can about massage rollers from third party independent sources before making a purchase. It is also important for you to find an expert to advise and support you during your foam rolling exercises. If you want to learn more about foam massage rollers, go to

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